Mass Times & Other Services
Our Lady of the Rosary Church
14 Barker Road
Prospect SA 5082
Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00pm
Sunday Masses 8:00am, 10:00am, 5:30pm
Daily Masses
Thursday & Friday 12 noon
Saturday (1st, 3rd, 5th of the month): 12 Noon
Confession times
Saturday 11.30am (please check where Mass is being held)
Saturday 5.30pm, Our Lady of the Rosary Church
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
11:40 am (please check where Mass is being held)
St Laurence’s Church
134 Buxton Street
North Adelaide SA 5006
Sunday Masses 9:00am, 11:00am
Daily Masses
Monday, Tuesday: 12 Noon
Saturday (2nd, 4th of the month): 12 Noon
Adoration and Confession
No Adoration at present.